Walmart was kind of crazy. She was actually awake the whole time and wanted to be held. Jude was his crazy self and there were lots of nasty people there. We survived. I just know now that I will not be able to go shopping during the day without Jason for a while.
In the evening from about 5-10pm she had a couple cat naps. No four hours at a time anymore. Around 9pm Charlotte screamed for about an hour. Nothing was helping her. I fed her 2 hours earlier so she shouldn't have been hungry. It's funny how much you forget to increase their formula and such especially after having two kids. I feel like a new mom again.
Anyways, I looked online about how much I should be feeing her, come to find out I pretty much have been starving my daughter. So I gave her a bottle while I sent Jason to the store to get some gasx because I felt like she was having gas problems. I also switched her bottle from the ones the hospital gave me to the ones I use. I think the combination of more food, gasx and a better slower flow bottle helped. She was burping much better and pooped up a storm.
Not to mention that she slept for 7 hours!!!!!!! I couldn't believe it. She fell asleep around 10pm and woke at 5:15. Good for her bad for me. I was awake all night in so much pain. The healing process is not going so well. I actually just called my doctor's office to be seen today. I just can't take it anymore. By now I should be getting better not worse. I'll keep you posted how it goes.
Day 7 should be interesting. You never know what the day will bring.
My goodness...she really is beautiful, isn't she?.......c.
ReplyDeleteShe is so stinking cute. CUTE. CUTE. CUTE.