Charlotte turned one month on 8/29/2010. She is growing fast. I'm guessing she weighs about 8 1/2 pounds. Her face is round and chubby and her body is slowly catching up. She's looking a lot like Jude when he was a month old.
She's eating every 3 hours about 3-4 ounces. She's pretty well behaved. I had a hard time breaking her wanting to be held habit, but thankfully that is over. I would hold her all day if I could but it's pretty impossible with two other children who are needy in different ways. She still naps throughout the day, when she is awake she stares into space and gives us some awesome smiles that melts my heart. She definitely has blue eyes but they can always change to be brown like her mommy. Her hair is changing big time. The sides that are growing are a bright orangey red. The rest of her hair is weird. The back top and very bottom is brown which will mostly likely fall out (the doctor said) and the middle back around the side is blonde. I'm thinking at this point anything can happen. She's seems to have all 3 on her head right now. I hoping she'll be light brown like her mommy but would be happy to have a red head like her daddy! I already have 2 blondes don't need another one! ;)
It's been a pretty exhausting month. I'm finally totally healed from the c-section infection. That was something I really didn't need. My mom has been an amazing help to me. Thank you mom. Don't know what I would have done without you!!!
I'm finally getting in the swing of things and have a good routine going. I didn't think it would be this rough with 3 kids 4 years and under. Jude has been really needy and Henry wants to play all the time. I split my time the best I can.
Henry has been a great help. He is a father figure for sure. Jason is an all star. He works a very long day then jumps right in to help with the boys the second he gets home and continues to help me throughout the early morning feedings. He is an amazing daddy and husband.I am one lucky lady to have him.
That's about all.
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