Charlotte Susannah
Born 7/29/2010
7 lbs 3 oz 19 inches

Charlotte was born at 2:37 pm via c-section. We were scheduled to have a c-section on Aug 5th, but after my doctor's appointment we decided that Charlotte needed to enter the world today due to several complications with myself and Charlotte. To much surprise Charlotte was coming anyways, my water broke when I got to the hospital!!! She was bound and determined to be born in july like her brother daddy and other relatives.
Charlotte sure is a pretty one. She seems so tiny. She has really small features except her long feet and hands. She take safter her mommy for sure. At first Charlotte looked a lot like her brother Jude when she came out. I actually questioned if she was a boy. It was uncanny how much she looked like him. Her hair is kind of funny. When she cam out they said "you have a red head" I expected RED but it's definitely not flaming red. It has red highlights. Then some people think it's blonde. But not blonde like her brothers. I think it's light brown with definitely red in it. We'll see. I think it's all going to fall out anyways. I also think she will have curly hair. I guess time will tell. Her eyes definitely look like they will be blue.
I think she looks like me a lot. Finally a kid that looks like me. Every time I look at her she looks different, but always beautiful.
Charlotte has such a sweet little cry. (It's so girly) She hardly cries, I'm sure that will change. She sleeps a lot which is expected for newborns. She definitely is not very "girly" when she poops. She grunts and farts like a man. It's funny. She's not too much of an eater but really likes to chomp on her hand.
Her brothers are madly in love with her. Henry is kind and gentle. Jude just stares and laughs at her.
I am so excited in what the future brings for our beautiful family. We are blessed to have 2 wonderful handsome boys and a darling little girl. Thank you GOD.